I dont know why, but doesn't work for me. When i tap cash out, it's freeze's like always.
Yeah tested again but still same. But please continue to try to fix.
I tried your file, but it doesn't work. Game gets stuck just the same as with the original file.
Nope, none of the two versions work for me.
The game checks for updates on startup. IfTry this one: Bandaid-Fix V2
Both fixes work on my end, if this one doesn't work not sure what to tell you as it calls the same function set as 0.28 did.
Been asking my wife that for years..
has been modified, it re-downloads and replaces it with the original.game/app.asar
replace resources/app.asar
with the attached file. It disables update checking --- although, with this, if DS pushes an update you won't get it. So make sure you do a back up first.This method worked! Thank you and Dllfile, of course!The fix works, but I had to disconnect internet else the file would be overwritten if you start the game.
Thx! It woks!The fix works, but I had to disconnect internet else the file would be overwritten if you start the game.
ha, funny enough, I always have had Glamour fire-walled - never crossed my mind as for me it was a common place thing for this gameThe game checks for updates on startup. Ifgame/app.asar
has been modified, it re-downloads and replaces it with the original.
It just allows collection of cams to keep your game from freezing. Functions for the event are not in place to trigger.I'm lost, did this bugfix trigger the new events for 0.29 or did it just allow to collect money from cams?
UsedThe game checks for updates on startup. Ifgame/app.asar
has been modified, it re-downloads and replaces it with the original.
Either make sure you've firewalled glamour or are disconnected from the internet to use Dllfile 's bugfix.
Or, in addition to Dllfile 'sgame/app.asar
with the attached file. It disables update checking --- although, with this, if DS pushes an update you won't get it. So make sure you do a back up first.
and resources/app.asar
and now the game does not even start.Don't use the new resources/app.asar file - but use the fix for game/app.asar and disconnect your internet - worked for me.Usedgame/app.asar
and now the game does not even start.
Actually it would help draw attention to the FAQ if you added the line CHEATS to the title..everyone will click on it in seconds.I am thinking of adding a line to the FAQ saying "When asking a new question reply to the FAQ so we know we aren't wasting our time with an idiot".
I think it was a problem with the file I uploadedUsedgame/app.asar
and now the game does not even start.
seeing as how 90% percent of questions do pertain to things irrelevant to gameplay then they should be looking for the FAQ. I don't have any answers in it that pertain to gameplay help it is almost all troubleshooting, bugfixes and general help topics.Actually it would help draw attention to the FAQ if you added the line CHEATS to the title..everyone will click on it in seconds.
FAQ-CHEATS-and free Hotdogs!
People usually assume that frequently asked questions are about the story of the game, or something completely irrelevant(and boring) to the gameplay.